Consolidating the regional policies for the advanced manufacturing sector, through the implementation of new indicators for strengthening the monitoring and evaluation system of the ERDF Regional Operational Programme and Smart Specialization Strategy.
Manumix aims to reinforce and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of innovation policy-mix in advanced manufacturing at regional level through evaluation and policy learning.
The Basque Country (Innobasque and Basque Government), Piedmont (Finpiemonte), Wales (Welsh Government) and Lithuania (MOSTA) have joined the MANUMIX consortium to learn from each other’s innovation policy-mix in advanced manufacturing and its monitoring and evaluation system. The consortium will be advised by Orkestra, an institution specialised in competitiveness and regional development.
All the involved regions have prioritised advanced manufacturing in their RIS3 strategies. During the implementation phase of RIS3, the regions are dealing with policy-mixes that combine previous policy interties based on functional and systemic approaches with new rationales linked to vertical areas. The resulting complex situation will be addressed by MANUMIX.
MANUMIX has a budget of €937,661.00 from which €778,978.95 are financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) for 2014-2020 through Interreg Europe programme.
• Basque Government / ES
• Research and higher education monitoring and analysis centre / LT
• Finpiemonte / IT
• Welsh Government / GB
• Deusto Foundation / ES