Project start 2020 Project end 01/05/2022
Status Completed Contacts


Submitted by anna.zampolini on Tue, 03/14/2023 - 11:31

Design and test an integrated approach for the effective and sustainable management of cultural heritage sites and buildings, and test the application of public-private partnership models through a local pilot case.

The project aims to propose integrated approaches for the effective management of cultural heritage, also through the capitalization of tools developed in some previous European Projects.

The project promotes the consolidation of competences in cultural heritage management  and is addressed to regional and local actors responsible for heritage management. Starting from the tools and expertise collected in some selected EU-funded projects, the results will be tested in a pilot case in each partner region.

In Piedmont the pilot site has been identified  in Palazzo Santa Croce in the city of Cuneo. The project is  focusing on the management and socio-economic aspects of cultural heritage to avoid the risk of heritage degradation. The main topics that are being explored are, among others: strategic planning and programming, guidelines for citizen involvement, public funding, state of the art of financial instruments, public-private partnership (PPP) models, financing and business models, imact assessment.

Project focus
Economic models for local development
Role of Finpiemonte
Project partner
Funding Programme
Interreg Central Europe Programme
Project Partners
• Westpomerania Voivodeship / PL
• Foundation for Landscape Protection / PL
• Regional Development Agency of the Ljubljana Urban Region / SI
• Institute for Economic Research / SI
• City of Rijeka / HR
• Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO) / HR
• Finpiemonte / IT
• City of Cuneo / IT
• Westpomerania Voivodeship / PL

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