FI4INN tackles the limited and old-fashioned types of funding schemes available to support marketdriven innovation in Central Europe due to a general low capability of managing complex financial vehicles.
FI4INN will help public and private finance providers and policy makers to adopt a new mind-set when designing financial instruments for supporting Research & Innovation (R&I) led by SMEs and startups: a more inclusive, consultative approach based on co-creation and stakeholders’ engagement, emphasizing impact measurement as well.
FI4INN will facilitate transregional multi-level peer learning and capacity building among the stakeholders of central Europe innovation ecosystems to kick off new financing schemes for innovation with high economic, environmental and social impact.
Credit access will acquire an extended capacity to effectively support R&I in SMEs and start-ups that do not operate on global markets yet and the financial instruments offer will be improved.
SERN - Startup Europe Regions Network
Chamber of Commerce of Slovenia
Business and Investment Development Agency CzechInvest
Impact Hub GmbH
Build! Gründerzentrum Kärnten GmbH
Cooperative for ethical financing
Express Innovation Agency VMV Nonprofit PLC (Private Limited Company)