Project start 05/10/2023 Project end 28/06/2024
Status In progress Contacts Tel. +39 011.5717777

ERDF PR ERDF 2021-2027 Action I.1iii.4. Attraction and strengthening investment readiness

Submitted by anna.zampolini on Mon, 11/13/2023 - 15:41

Call summary
Closing date: 28/06/2024 
Committee date: 24/04/2024

Call A)

Aims at encouraging investments by the productive system in Piedmont, with the obligation to support a minimum employment increase, determined according to the size of the enterprise, through the following actions
- encouraging investments in the area by entreprises that are not yet active in Piedmont or that intend to re-establish themselves;
- consolidating and rooting existing enterprises by supporting a new investment functionally different from the existing one;
- encouraging redevelopment of disused production sites.

Call B)

limited to SMEs, is aimed at supporting the increase in employment brought about by the projects financed by Call A)
SMEs and, with regard to Call A only, small and medium capitalisation enterprises.

Call A)
1) Investments in tangible assets aimed at setting up new plants for the production of goods or services by companies that are not yet active in Piedmont or that have relocated and want to re-establish themselves in the region.
2) Investments in tangible assets for investors already present in Piedmont who intend to carry out an investment to functionally diversify existing production, restructure the production process or increase their production capacity.
For both types of assistance, a minimum increase in employment determined according to the size of the enterprise will be required in order to be eligible.
The minimum investment amount may not be less than

•    € 150,000 for small enterprises
•    € 300,000 for medium-sized enterprises
•    € 750,000 for small and medium capitalisation enterprises and in any case no more than € 3,000,000

Call B)
Jobs generated by the measures financed by Call A) are eligible for the grant, with reference to the local unit that is the subject of the investment

Incentive Summary
Subsidised loan and grant

- Call A): subsidised financing granted to cover 100% of the admitted investment, of which up to 70% at zero interest and 30% at bank rate; on completion of the project, limited to SMEs, the non-repayable grant calculated with reference to the expenses incurred will be disbursed. For SMEs, several bonuses are envisaged, the possession of which entails an increase of up to 2% of the maximum non-repayable grant that can be recognised.

-Call B): non-repayable "de minimis" grant calculated with reference to project-related recruitment, up to a maximum amount of EUR 25,000 per incremental AWU, up to a total limit of EUR 200,000 under the "de minimis" regime.

Instructions and application submission 
The application for Call A) may be submitted from 9.00 a.m. on 5 October 2023 until 12.00 noon on 28 June 2024, by accessing the computerised procedure, filling in the online form available at: applications 
and must already contain the letter certifying the bank resolution drawn up by the bank in agreement with Finpiemonte S.p.A. and the mandatory annexes required by the Call 

The application for Call B) must be submitted at the same time as the application under Call A), and in any case no later than 7 calendar days, in compliance with the same opening of the counter and with the draft budget attached.

Any computer support during the telematic upload of the application on the FinDom platform may be requested from the following CSI Piemonte references
•    tel. 011.0824407

Project focus
Regional Policies and programmes improvement
Role of Finpiemonte
Project coordinator
Funding Programme
European Regional Development Fund ERDF
Project documents

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