Finpiemonte leads one of the 14 projects selected to be co-funded by the Interreg alpine space 21-27 program

Submitted by anna.zampolini on Wed, 03/22/2023 - 09:27
Publication date

From November 2022 Finpiemonte is leading the Forest EcoValue project, co-funded by  Interreg Alpine Space 2021-2017 program and involving 10 partners from 5 different European countries.

Forest EcoValue aims to bring innovation and sustainability in forest management in the alpine area and to support the resilience of ecosystem services. 
Public and private forests of the alpine area are threatened by climate change and land degradation. Maintenance costs are high, and public resources and revenues from the traditional timber supply chain are insufficient. In this framework, the main goal of the project is to mobilize additional resources by proposing new sustainable business models for forest management and maintenance, related to green/bio/circular value chains.

The kick-off meeting took place at Finpiemonte premise: 28 participants attended the meeting, including, in connection from Salzburg, a representative of the Joint Secretariat of the Alpine Space Programme.

<<We are proud to lead  such a challenging project; ecosystem services and the sustainable management of forests in Piedmont rise great interest and attention from several stakeholders and institutions>> commented Finpiemonte President  Michele Vietti <<This is the first of a series of European projects that Finpiemonte has applied for, addressing a variety of topics for regional development.>>

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