Project start 24/05/2024
Status In progress Contacts tel. +39 011.5717777

Regional Law 34/2004. Multiannual Intervention Programme covering the period 2022/2024 Measure 'Settlement Contract. Attraction of investments in Piedmont - Large enterprises''.

Submitted by anna.zampolini on Wed, 03/15/2023 - 11:15

The Measure aims at favouring the landing or the development of investments by large enterprises, through the realisation of new settlements or the enlargement of premises already present in Piedmont, related to production plants, research centres and service centres, which generate new direct or indirect qualified employment.

The beneficiaries of the Measure are individuale large businesses - not grouped together - divided into the following categories
- small mid-capitalisation entreprises ("small mid-cap");
- medium capitalisation entreprises ('mid caps');
- large enterprises not falling into the above categories ('large non-midcap entreprises').

In the case of research and development projects, such projects may also be carried out in e.g. cooperation with
- Small and medium-sized enterprises ('SMEs') that have been active for at least 1 year;
- Research organisations

1. research and development projects prearranged for or resulting from the establishment or expansion of an operating centre in Piedmont;
2. tangible and intangible investments carried out in the areas included in the regional aid map (so-called 107.3.c areas), aimed at
•    creation of a new establishment and/or
•    diversification of the activity of an establishment, provided that the new activity is not the same or similar to that previously carried out in the same establishment).
For the proposing large enterprise, it is also compulsory to increase employment in Piedmont.

Measures must have the following minimum thresholds in terms of the total amount of eligible expenditure: The research and development project must have a minimum amount of eligible expenditure, including all
•    partners, of at least EUR 1,000,000;
•    the tangible and intangible investment project carried out by the large proposing entreprise must have a minimum amount of eligible expenses equal to €2,000,000 for small midcaps and €3,000,000 for midcaps and large non-midcaps

Incentive Summary
Non-repayable grant

For all types of costs, the relief is granted in the form of a non-repayable grant.
The facilitation relating to the proposing large enterprise has the following characteristics
•    it is subject to variation according to the size of the enterprise, with varying intensity and amount for the small midcap category and for the non-midcap and large non-midcap category
•    is subject to an increase in the presence of:
- new establishment;
- active collaboration with an SME or research organisation.
For the proposing large enterprises, the maximum grant is applicable only in the event of a minimum employment increase of
•    20 employees in the case of a small midcap, regardless of whether or not a new establishment is created;
•    20 employees in the case of mid-caps and large non-mid-caps that do not carry out a new establishment; 
•    25 employees in the case of mid-caps and large non-mid-caps that carry out a new establishment.

Instructions and application submission
The Measure operates on a 'over-the-counter' basis and projects are assessed in the chronological order in which applications are submitted.
Finpiemonte is in charge of activating a first contact with large enterprises interested in the Measure, in order to preliminarily verify the potential of the project and interest in the instrument.
Therefore, interested parties should contact Finpiemonte in advance at the following addresses:
Contact form:
 - Pec: 
- Phone URP: 011/5717777 (Mon.-Fri. 9.30 a.m.-12.30 p.m.)
After Finpiemonte has carried out the preliminary checks and any preparatory activities, the company may submit an application for assistance, from 9.00 a.m. on 24 May 2024 by accessing the computerised procedure, filling in the online form available at: and attaching all the compulsory documents required by the notice.
The help desk for submitting applications may be suspended or closed if the budget for the Call is run out.

Project focus
Regional Policies and programmes improvement
Role of Finpiemonte
Project coordinator
Funding Programme
European Regional Development Fund ERDF
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