Project start 01/09/2017 Project end 01/09/2018
Status Completed Contacts


Submitted by anna.zampolini on Tue, 03/14/2023 - 11:44

Explore the feasibility of innovative financial instruments for the social sector to be implemented within the 2014-2020 programming of the Structural Funds (Multi-regional assistance project under the EIB's FI-Compass initiative).

The purpose of the Fi-Compass Multi-regional assistance (MRA) projects is to facilitate the exchange and mutual learning between regions. IFISE is aimed to target the possible use of Financial Instruments in the area of social economy: the Regional authorities and agencies involved in IFISE consortium share the vision that there is a need to strengthen alternative financing channels to fill the bank financing gap for the smaller segment of social enterprises.

Started in September 2017 and completed in June 2019, this MRA project worked on capacity building of managing authorities and intermediate bodies, with the final aim to extend the offer of funding instruments to the actors in the wide field of social economy. The action aims to overcome the conventional bank approach based on balance sheets and business plans, leading to social investments which fully value social, environmental, cultural and other territorial returns.

Desk analysis, dedicated training, workshops and exchange of expertise, with the support of experts from national/international financial institutions and from the academia. Main activities include:

  • Mapping of the state of the art of existing financial instruments for the social sector in Europe and assessment of good practices.
  • Matching between possible FIs and the regional needs, in the framework of the ERDF and ESF regional operational programmes.
  • Capacity building activity: in class training on technical and legal aspects; field work on real cases with the support of external experts.
Project focus
Promotion of the Social Economy
Role of Finpiemonte
Project coordinator
Funding Programme
FI-Compass initiative
Project Partners
• Finpiemonte / IT
• Valencian generalitat / ES
• Andalousian Agency for innovation and developpement IDEA / ES
• Lombardy Region / IT
• Finpiemonte / IT

Related News

  • 11/06/2019
    The Conference represented the final event of the IFISE project, funded by the European Commission Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy.
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